November 6: Vote Yes on Prop 30, No on Prop 32!

Watch the video on why students should vote for Prop 30 here: Read our flyer about Prop 30: For more information on Prop 30, go to the official campaign website here: Read our flyer about Prop 32: For more information on Prop 32, go to the official campaign website here: Want to register to vote online, or want to check the status of your voter registration? Click here.

Believe it: Harvard cheaper than Cal State

From San Jose Mercury News: Believe it: Harvard cheaper than Cal State The impossible has happened: Harvard College is now thousands of dollars cheaper than Cal State East Bay for middle-income California students. So is Princeton. And Williams College. And Yale. Top private schools, with their generous aid, have been among the most affordable options for poor students for a few years, but rising tuition has only recently sent California State University and University of California prices shooting past the Harvards and Yales for middle-class students. (more…)

Media Coverage of March 1, 2012 Actions

Statewide Coverage California college students protest education cuts LA Times: Occupy protests bring small yet intense crowds to state campuses Bay Area Coverage Students Across Bay Area Gather To Protest Tuition Costs, Budget Cuts KRON 4: Update: Bay Area Campuses Participate in National Day of Action for Public Education Southern California Coverage Students to protest budget cuts at California universities KTLA-5: “Occupy Education” Protests Held at College Campuses Statewide   Campus-Specific Coverage (more…)