Students know that tuition is too high. The Board of Trustees raised tuition over 300% in 10 years! The recent victories we’ve won (a 4 year tuition freeze, defeating last year’s proposed tuition increase) are a great start on our path to winning a return to free public higher education throughout California. But it is time to go further. We need a tuition rollback!
Last year, after we fought so hard for increased state funding to the CSU, what did the CSU administration do with the money? They gave themselves raises. Leaders in the state legislature have gone on record since then saying that if they had known the presidents would be getting these raises, they wouldn’t have given the CSU that much money. By giving raises to campus executives already making 6-digit salaries, the CSU administration put our future funding at risk. That is not OK!
This year, we are asking the state legislature to provide an extra $90 million to the CSU so we can rollback the $270 tuition increase from 2016 and begin the path to making the CSU affordable again. In a system where 1 in 10 students has experienced homelessness and 1 in 5 has been food insecure, this is where our budget funding should go, not into admin pockets. We want this money directly allocated to funding a rollback, so the CSU administration can’t use it on their own salaries again.
Join us! Step 1: Rollback. Step 2: re-building a CSU system that provides a free, quality, accessible higher education to students throughout California.