
This fall SQE joined the ongoing Justice for David Josiah Lawson campaign, led by Josiah’s mom Charmaine. Charmaine and other student, faculty and community activists in Humboldt have been working to educate the public about Josiah’s murder for almost two years. Josiah was a Black Humboldt State University student who was killed at an off-campus party, and the local police and university administration have still not brought justice for his family. Josiah’s killer remains free and the university continues to recruit students of color without providing resources for them to succeed.  SQE participated in a statewide week of action beginning...

Advocacy Pays Off As State Budget Includes Boost to CSU

MEDIA ADVISORY FROM STUDENTS FOR QUALITY EDUCATION For Immediate Release: Friday, July 6, 2018 Contact: Jorge Quintana: 916-612-0692, jorgequint18@gmail.com Advocacy Pays Off As State Budget Includes Boost to CSU Last week the California Legislature passed, and Governor Brown signed, a budget with an unprecedented additional $364 million for the CSU. This vast improvement over Governor Brown’s funding proposal in January is a result of the hard work that Students for Quality Education and many others have put into advocating for more funding over the past six months. Students, along with faculty, staff, and community allies, have tirelessly spoke out in...

Thank You!

        Dear fellow students: We sincerely thank you for joining us in our statewide action on April 4th, 2018.  Without your support, commitment, and attendance, this action would not have been possible and successful. By mobilizing, taking up space, fighting for the people’s movement, and by publicly sharing our unique experiences, we are stronger than ever before. At the #FreeTheCSU action hosted by Students for Quality Education (SQE) and the California Faculty Association (CFA), we rallied for hours, with energetic chants called on Gov. Jerry Brown to increase critical funding for the California State University We fought...

Stop The Tuition Increase and #FreeTheCSU!

Tell Governor Brown and the state legislature to #FreeTheCSU by providing the funding needed to stop yet another tuition increase! Join students, faculty, staff, and community allies on April 4th as we raise our collective voice at the state capitol to demand a fully funded CSU.   We demand an end to chronic disinvestment in the CSU and tuition hikes, protection for our undocumented CSU community members, and a path towards free public higher education in California. On the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination, we also demand that the state #FundTheDream and recognize that funding the...


Tuesday, September 5th 2017 California State University — Students for Quality Education is committed to ensuring accessible, affordable, and equitable education for all people in California. In this context, Trump’s plan to repeal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a horrific attack on already vulnerable communities and is in direct opposition to the core values our organization fights for everyday. Repealing DACA will have disastrous effects for its recipients and their supporters, as well as for thousands of CSU students. DACA, A program that helps 800,000 undocumented immigrants who came in the country without documentation under the age of...